Stop guessing what they’ll buy. Start knowing what they’ll love.

Taste MPR introduces a new era in wine personalization. One-to-one wine personalization that’s easy, accurate and enterprise-scalable.


Research shows that personalization most often drives 10 to 15 percent revenue lift

McKinsey - Next in Personalization 2021 Report

of shoppers say they will become repeat buyers after a personalized experience, up 7% from 2022.

Twilio - State of Personalization Report 2023

80% of businesses say consumers spend more (38% on ave.) when experiences are personalized

Twilio - State of Personalization Report 2023


Take your entire enterprise retail catalog, and instantly curate for each customer just the wines they'll love with Taste MPR. Transform your wine business by understanding the exact taste of every product and the unique palate of every customer.

2.3x CLTV
One-to-one personalization at scale drives 2.3X year-over-year increase in customer lifetime value.
Source: Forrester and Adobe

Less worry, more exploring.

"Will I enjoy this wine?" is a wine drinker's most important and most unanswered consideration. Taste MPR puts an end to that, and gives your customers confidence, so they trade up, and not out.

Trading up with confidence

Easy exploring, more enjoyment.

More confident, more conversions.

Your customer service superpower

With customizable API integrations you can make all of your customer service team an instant expert in any customer's unique palate. Taste MPR generates perfect recommendations in the blink of an eye, so neither your team nor your customers are left guessing. It removes the need for customers to explain their taste in wine.

Integrate with CS solutions

Reduce costs & efficiently scale expertise

Increase service effectiveness

Expertise at the store

Integrate our Palate Map and personalized Selections API with your in-store POS system for happier customers and confident employees. Let your team focus on the human-side of your customer experience and let our technology accurately find just the right wine for any customer in seconds.

Designed for enterprise wine retailing

We've taken the abilities of a world-class somm and invented a system that can scale those capabilities across your organization.

First-party data & white labelled

Taste MPR is designed to hide neatly in behind your brand and your shopping experience. And with efficiently structured first-party data Taste MPR can flexible fit into your business needs and use cases.

Headless integration

Taste MPR is designed to be cloud-based and API end-point driven so your business can meet your customers with one-to-one personalization where they are most engaged.

Fits your user experience

Taste MPR is designed so your shoppers can keep shopping with their usual browsing behavior of categories and attributes. Dynamic personalized Smart Lists can also be created based upon each customer's unique Palate Map.

Self-serve product taste assessment

No labs, "testing fees" or shipping wine anywhere. Your wine team are taught our proprietary tasting methodology to assess each wine product and to plot each wine's unique taste data points. It can be taught to any professional wine taster in a few hours.

Don't let taste be a data blind spot in your business

Taste MPR does more than personalizes the wine experience around your customers, it creates powerful and actionable first-party taste data that can lead to better efficiency and profitability across your business.

Give AI the ability to understand taste

Taste MPR creates a high-fidelity uniform data structure for the palate of any person and the taste of any wine. This revolutionary data structure enables a highly efficient framework for future ML applications, which are not possible with the existing methods of rationalizing taste in wine. Taste MPR opens the door for AI to unrealized intelligence on your customers and the thousands of wine products you sell.

Smarter procurement

Imagine being able to ask every one of your customers to try a wine before you decide to commit capital procuring it. The Taste MPR Palate Map system allows you to make those types of analyses. Using our proprietary data structure you can understand who will enjoy a wine, how much they'll enjoy it and how wines of that similar taste profile have performed previously.

Understand how many customers will enjoy a product

Visualize & analyze product portfolio by taste

Product intelligence

Get a holistic understanding of the taste of your entire catalog with our Taste UI and make sure you are merchandising to your customer’s palates with products that they’ll love.

Merchandise planning

Portfolio analysis by product taste

Product performance by taste